Saturday 2 June 2012

A-Z of Emotions

A-Z of Emotions I Have Felt Since I Last Blogged

I did one of these awhile ago, and now I think it's time to do another. Are you keen to find out whether I found actual emotions beginning X and Z? Here we go...

A - Awkward. You know when you need to say something to someone, but you don't know how to go about it? Usually when I need to say something difficult to someone, I start off with, "Um, I've been thinking er, that er..." and I finish with, "If that makes any sense."

B - Brave. But I overcame the awkwardness and came out with it in the end, as followed: "Um, I've been thinking er, that er... hi. If that makes any sense."

C - Childish. I was watching one of my favourite videos yesterday, as found below:

D - Disgusted. Yesterday I was in the Disney Store (feeling childish again, yes), telling my friend that it's OK for me to be seen in the Disney Store because I only look about 15. Then she says to me, "You know that old man standing behind you was just checking you out." I know I am a legal adult, but he doesn't know that!

E - Earthly. I was standing next to some hippie white dude with blond dreads yesterday in the supermarket, checking out the vegetarian food in the freezer section. We both reached for a packet of quorn "chicken" burgers at the same time. Saving the world, one burger at a time.

F - Fantastic. I really did. Honestly.

G - Growly. Rather, my belly was feeling growly. I woke up yesterday morning, grabbed a banana (not the same banana in the video - a different banana) and left the house, and didn't consider re-filling my stomach until about 3 o'clock. The belly was not very happy.

H - Hopeful. I hoped that it would not rain, as I did not take an umbrella out with me. My hopes were answered.

I - Irritated. A couple of days ago I got FRIGGING BITTEN BY A SODDING MOSQUITO ON MY LEG! It itched, so I went to go get my Witch Hazel cream from where I usually keep it. It was not there. So I looked in the baskets of skin cream I keep under my bed, thinking maybe I put it there when I was tidying up the day before. Nope, not there. I looked in every drawer. NOT. SODDING. THERE. In the end I put up with an itchy bite for the rest of the day.

J - Jealous. Last weekend I went to the park. I was, literally, the whitest person there. I don't get it.

K - Kung-fu-ish. Alright, alright: I suck at thinking of words beginning with K. But at least it's better than Kit-Kat-ish, which is what I was originally considering putting down.

L - Lethargic. The sun makes me sleepy.

M - Moody. Piss off.

N - Naked. Yes, this is an emotion; it's similar to feeling exposed and vulnerable. I had a dream last night that I got naked and looked at myself in the mirror, and realised I had grown a petticoat made out of flesh around my hips, and that it made me look somewhat like an Elizabethan dinosaur (I know you didn't get dinosaurs in the Elizabethan era, but just go with me on this one). Thankfully, it was a removable petticoat. My jeans fit a lot better once I'd taken it off, and made me look less like MC Hammer.

O - Optimistic. The world is at my feet, it truly is.

P - Proud. I did three kick-ups on Wednesday. Three.

Q - Quixotic. I still only have one emotion beginning with Q. However, I now know what quixotic means, and I was feeling quioxtic the other day when I set my alarm clock for 6:30. Ha.

R - Relaxed. There I was: chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool, and all shooting some b-ball outside of the school... Oh wait. I think this happened to someone else.

S - Serene. A day spent in the sun without nothing else to do can make you feel serene. The migraine that soon follows it? Not so much.

T - Tender. I am a tender individual.

U - Understanding. I am also very understanding.

V - VIP-y. Now I'm just bullshitting, clearly.

W - Weird. I am always weird, though. My friend said "You're a weirdo" to me so many times yesterday that I lost count.

X - X-treme. Hell yeah.

Y - Young. In spite of the fact that I don't particularly identify with all these songs out at the moment about being young (i.e. Tulisa and that Indie band), I do still look about 15. I need to slap on more makeup, obviously.

Z - Zumba-y. I might, y'know. I just might.

1 comment:

  1. Very much enjoyed your use of the word quixotic btw. Also, never thought I'd hear the words Flesh and Petticoat put together... :/
