Sunday 10 July 2011

10 Things That Make Me Laugh

Blatantly only doing this because all I ever do normally is complain. I think I should be the token young'n on the Grumpy Old Women series.

1. People with funny names. A couple of years back, my brother (who clearly knows me too well), bought me this hilarious book for Christmas. (Note: minors should not click on the link. But save it to your favourites for future reference when you turn 18, because it is hilaaaaarious.) I must have spent most of Christmas day perusing it, then running to the toilet through fear of peeing myself laughing.

2. Saying something innocent, and someone else hearing it as something lewd and perverse. Favourite one so far is "SHOW US YER GERMAN!" I can't for the life of me remember what was originally said, but have since considered alternative nationalities to German and, for some reason, none seem quite as, well... dirty.

3. Anything that sounds at all like a fart. Someone scrapes their chair along the floor. My reaction? Hee hee hee hee hee.

4. While we're on the subjects of farts, farting horses, in particular, really give me the giggles. The first time I ever saw this clip of a horse farting, I laughed for 10 minutes straight, and then continued to laugh intermittently for the next month. Perhaps I should be concerned that flatulance continues to amuse me to such great heights even into early adulthood... Or that I don't mind freely admitting it to the whole world on the internet.

5. How I Met Your Mother. Perhaps because the characters seem to share my childish sense of humour. Allow me to demonstrate:

6. Declan Donnelly (of Ant and Dec) miming along to Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You. I have the clip in my possession, on a VHS tape. I just need someone to upload it to YouTube for me so that I can share the moment with the rest of the world. In the meantime, you'll just have to trust me on this one: pee-in-pants-worthy level of funny.

7. Simba's paw. You know in The Lion King, at the beginning, when the monkey is fussing over Simba and Simba lifts his paw up? Yeah, don't ask me why, but that has always tickled me pink.

8. People pulling funny faces. I swear, the whole peek-a-boo thing still works on me. I clearly never grew up.

9. Drop Dead Fred. As already mentioned, I like childish stuff, and that film is just one big ball of adult childishness. The following scene has to be one of my favourite scenes from any movie, ever:

10. My cat doing star-jumps. And it's exactly like it sounds. When she gets excited, she does star-jumps. I think it's because when we first got her, I stood over her one day and did some star-jumps of my own. She look terrified for all of five seconds, and then her eyes narrowed at me and she smiled, and I knew she was thinking, "You are completely cool." And yes, yes I am.

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