Friday 20 May 2011

21st May: Judgement Day. Apparently.

According to some evangelical Christian, tomorrow (Saturday 2st May 2011, for those who have not yet taken Days of the Week 101, as led by Professor Rebecca Black) is the end of the world. Judgement Day. The apocalypse. The second coming of Christ. Whatever you want to call it, it's happening. So do the smart thing and head yourselves off to Confession and help an elderly person cross the road before 6pm tomorrow.

My religious beliefs, like a lot of people's, are confusing and complicated and not really something I want to delve into right now - but to summarise, I believe there are truths and falsities in all religions. Or, not necessarily falsities, but false interpretations. One thing I have never been able to get my head around is how God's word and God's power can be given to Man. (And yes, I say Man and not Person because, let's face it: it's not very often that God's word and God's power is filtered down to women.) Maybe I've been watching too much Crimewatch, but seriously: If there is a higher being, only He or She knows when Judgement Day is. So don't have nightmares.

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