Tuesday 8 March 2011

International Women's Day

8th March. International Women's Day.

It's a sad state of affairs when, according to Twitter's 'Trending Topics', the day before International Women's Day (a real, 100-year-old holiday celebrating the achievements of women) becomes known as (and to quote Twitter users) #bootyappreciationday. It wouldn't be so bad if #bootyappreciationday appreciated male and female arses in equal measure, but it doesn't. I am genuinely saddened by the fact that my mother's, my grandmothers' and my great-grandmothers' generations could get excited about sisterhood and about fighting for a cause, while my generation feels that there is no longer any need for feminism, and instead adopts this "So let's go put up pictures of our bums on the internet" attitude instead. Our female ancestors died so that we could vote; they protested for equal pay and women's health and freedom rights. This was not the future that they imagined.

I could talk about the diminishing presence of 'feminism' in the world until I'm blue in the face, but frankly today is all about celebrating the achievements of women - not noting their failings. So that will have to wait for another day.

International Women's Day is not just about the Emily Dickinsons, Emmeline Pankhursts, Joan of Arcs and Virginia Woolfs this world has seen. Of course it is about them in part, but more than anything it's about all women. It's about recognising the successes and achievements of those listed above, and saying to yourself, "Alright, this is a man's world. But it bloody well shouldn't be."

Look at what these women have achieved and then look to yourself; you do not need to cater to patriarchal ideals to make something of yourself. You can be strong without being hard-faced, intelligent without being "prim", beautiful without flaunting every inch of skin, and kind without being submissive. Stop looking at our society's patriarchal model of female success (the looks, the confidence, the business-minded brain with the independence which goes far enough without stepping on any man's toes...), because she is not real. Just be you, and don't make any apologies for what that is.

1 comment:

  1. Right on sister - couldn't have said it better myself!
